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What is the intent of Science at Mandeville Primary School?

At Mandeville Primary School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. Science at Mandeville fosters the natural curiosity of every child and encourages respect for living organisms and the physical environment.


The aim for our Science curriculum is to ensure that pupils:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding though specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of science enquiries that help them answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


Working scientifically skills are an integral part of each unit. The skills are built on and developed so pupils can plan enquiries, use equipment, conduct experiments, build arguments and explain concepts confidently and continue to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings. Pupils build up a specialist vocabulary, as well as apply their mathematical knowledge to Science. Pupils will have the understanding that science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity.


How is Science organised at Mandeville Primary School?

At Mandeville, there is appropriate sequencing of content to build pupils’ understanding of scientific concepts, following the Herts for Learning Science progression documents, with repetition of key areas.




Animals including humans

Living things and their habitats


Light and sound



Year 1


Plants: In the garden

Animals including humans: Different Animals

Living Things and their Habitats: Seasonal Changes

Materials: Everyday Materials

Year 2


Plants: Growing Plants

Animals including humans: Growth and Survival

Living Things and their Habitats: Habitats

Materials: Use of Everyday Materials

Year 3


Plants: Investigating Plants

Animals including humans: Healthy Eating and Healthy Bodies

Materials: Rocks, Fossils and Soil

Light and Sound: Light and Shadows

Forces: Forces and Magnets

Year 4


Animals including humans: Teeth and Digestion

Living Things and their Habitats: Classification and interdependence

Materials: Solids, Liquids and Gases

Light and Sound: Sound and Vibrations

Electricity: Circuits and Components

Year 5


Animals including humans: Human Life Cycles

Living Things and their Habitats: Life Cycles

Materials: Changes of Materials

Forces: Earth and Space

Forces: Forces

Year 6


Animals including humans: Human and Health

Living Things and their Habitats: Classification

Living Things and their Habitats: Evolution and Inheritance

Light and Sound: Light

Electricity: Electricity


Our Science curriculum is highly practical, allowing children to explore new ideas and concepts and answer questions through a wide variety of hands on investigations that relate to the world around us.


We use the Herts for Learning ‘Working Scientifically Wheel’, which highlights the key areas of investigatory science. This enables children to identify the specific skills that they are using with each enquiry. We use an investigation planning proforma. This is introduced from EYFS and used throughout all year groups, encouraging greater independence as the children journey through school. When investigating, children are encouraged to ask questions that challenge their understanding of the world and are willing to take risks and suggest improvements when searching for the answers.


To complement our science lessons, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as trips, clubs, assemblies and visits from science ambassadors. Science Week is celebrated across the school and this allows pupils the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to broader contexts and further enhances their Science learning.
