There are a number of zones across the school site that will be impacted by this expansion, and, as the project progresses, ongoing updates and information will be provided in the weekly School Newsletter.
Additional Block
One of the main features of the expansion plan is construction of the two storey classroom block with a Hall, and multi-purpose rooms. This will be located on the west side of the site, where the Lodge previously stood. The new Hall is a key resource for assemblies, PE, productions and as a potential community resource. The existing Hall will remain, and will be used for lunch-times, PE for KS1 and EYFS, as well as smaller assemblies. It is intended that the additional block will be occupied by KS2 pupils.
Kitchen Relocation
A new kitchen will be created in the space currently occupied by the Y2 classroom. This will permit lunches to be served directly to the pupils and staff via a servery hatch, and is essential to ensure efficient service at lunchtime given the increased numbers of pupils and staff who wish to enjoy the lunches provided. The development of the new kitchen area is the joint responsibility of Apex and Herts Catering Limited.
Entrance Area
In order to welcome our pupils, parents, staff and visitors appropriately, an extension to the existing entrance area will be built. A welcome window/hatch from the relocated Administration Office will look out into this area, and visitors will be able to wait in this area to be greeted by their host.
Approach Road & Car Parking
Additional staff car parking will be provided to the east of Mandevilla, with lighting and electric car charging points. Modifications will be made to the existing car parking area to widen the turning circle and provide easier access to the car park and school entrance. An additional Disabled Parking space will be created.
West Gate Entrance
On the western perimeter, a new pedestrian entrance gate will be created, which will provide easy walking access from the two new housing developments off West Road, as the school has been a long-standing champion of sustainable travel.