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Tag Rugby Competition

On Monday 7th December, 12 children from Year 6 represented Mandeville in a Tag Rugby Competition. It was held at Leventhorpe after school. The team played 3 matches against Spellbrook, Hatfield Heath and Sheering. They played well, showing a good level of skill and working together effectively as a team. Despite that, we didn’t quite get enough points to achieve second place in our group stage and narrowly missed out on a place in the semi-finals. A very big well done to all the players






Birchwood Games by Hattie, Summer and Henrietta

On Friday 5th February 2016, 16 pupils from Year 5 Mandeville Primary School went on a trip to brilliant Birchwood High School. We left at 12.20 because we had to be there at 12.45 for warm ups and to sign in. We all met Mrs. Hendry there. We were officially in! When we got there, we put our bags and coats by our sign that said ‘Mandeville’. Before we actually started the competition we were introduced to Milly and Daisy, who were going to help us with warming up. We understood as soon as we went in that all the sport events were going to be inside. For most of the events we were separated into boys and girls but we were scored as a school.


Firstly, we did the fantastic field activities. Four people from Mandeville did each event – Javelin, Standing long jump, Chest push and Speed bounce. Javelin is where you have to throw an arrow shaped piece of foam as far as you can. Standing long jump is where you swing your arms and bend your legs and jump as far as you can, we were measured for each jump. Chest push is where you throw a ball but you have to chest pass it. Speed bounce is where you bounce over a divider as many times as you can. It is harder than it looks! We did these events 1-2.


In the last hour we did the tremendous track races. These were quite hard because some had to do one straight after another. The first race was the Obstacle Course. 4 boys and 4 girls ran this race. You had to do a forward roll and then you had to do step hurdles. The third part of this race was a quick dive through a hole and to finish off you had to jump over hurdles. The second race was 4x1 race which is where you have 4 runners and they have to run across the hall once. The third race was 4x1 mixed race which is the same as the 4x1 race but with boys and girls. The last race was 8x1 mixed race which is the same as the 4x1 mixed but with 8 people.


We really enjoyed our trip to Birchwood, even though we came last. We really enjoyed the opportunity we were given to have a brilliant time. Anyway, it’s the taking part that counts!


Herts Cross-Country Race

On 6th February 2016, 5 people from Mandeville went to St. Albans to run in the Hertfordshire county cross-country championships. It was really exciting. When we got there, we went to the starting line to meet our coach, John. After that, we walked the course to see how we needed to run it; it was very, very muddy! Before the race started, a man on a megaphone told us that only one person from each team was allowed to have their foot on the line. He was very strict. Then a man honked the horn, that meant we had to GO!!! When it started, I was quite close to the front but I slipped off balance. I didn’t fall over, but I slowed down. The hardest bit was running into the wind uphill, but when it was downhill, I sped down it like a rocket-launched missile. Someone tried to sneak in front of me when they finished, but they were told to go back.


This is where we came....


Girls’ Race


  • Hattie 96/178


Boys’ Race


  • Harvey 70/190
  • Corin 131/190
  • Josh 169/190
  • James 174/190


James’ Report

It was a 1.6km run and there were different parts to the course. At first we were running on flat ground but slowly rose up a steep hill. Once we had travelled up it, there was a tiny bit of flat land before we went down a bit. Although some people would have said that this part would be easy, well trust me it wasn’t! It was coated in thick mud and every time my foot touched the mud it immediately sunk about 3cm. Then there was just a tiny amount of going up a slope before the finish line. I found it very hard, especially when we were running up the hill, although I made it eventually.


Corin’s Report

On Saturday 6th February a team of 4 boys and 1 girl went to run for Mandeville School at a cross-country race in St. Albans. Year 6 boys were the last race of the day! Team Mandeville lined up along with the other schools. There were 180 runners in total – it took a while for the organisers to get us standing correctly! Finally the fussy starter man sounded a loud claxon and off we went. It was muddy, cold and windy. We ran up and down hills, through a forest and finally to the finishing line. I was very proud of myself.


Gymnastics Competition by Sienna

On Friday 26th February some members of Year 5 and 6 went to a gymnastics competition at Bishop’s Stortford gymnastics club.


Firstly, we did some warm ups, which was more like a dance routine than stretches. We watched some other teams do their routines before we did ours. Our individual routines included backwards walkovers, cartwheels, shoulder stands, handstand to forward roll and backwards roll into straddle. Though there was a lot to remember, I enjoyed learning and performing a challenging routine.


Despite feeling a bit nervous and losing a team-mate due to sickness, we all performed well and gained 4th place.



Cross-Country Run by Cameron

I was really happy when I was chosen to represent my school at the cross-country run.


On the day of the race we were all allowed to get changed whilst watching the movie ‘Inside Out’. The coach that was taking us had arrived outside the school; it was sunny but really cold and we were all shivering.


When we arrived at Jobbers Wood we saw the huge track. There were 10 other schools taking part; a mixture of boys and girls.


The first race was the Year 4 girls. My race was second: Year 4 boys. It was 1 lap around the track, which was just under 1 mile. In the race I ran off really quickly and I was leading at the 1st bend then I lost the lead and finally came 7th out of 50 Year 4 boys. I was really happy that I came in the top 10.


After all the races there was a big presentation where all the schools came together as the head of the races announced the winners. Mandeville came 9th out of 10 schools.


In the coach on the way back we all had a sing-song. We had all enjoyed the races. At the end of the week in assembly all of the Mandeville racers received a certificate and we were all very happy.



Netball Competition by Lucy and Amelia

On Monday 7th March, some Year 6 pupils visited Leventhorpe School, to take part in a netball competition alongside other primary schools, from local areas. Mandeville Primary School entered two teams: Mandeville A team and Mandeville B team. We were both very successful.


Mandeville B team and Mandeville A team both played three other schools. Mandeville A team won 2/3 matches and Mandeville B team drew 2/3 matches. Which meant both Mandeville A and Mandeville B got into the plate competition!


After everyone had played the first plate round, the semi-final, we found out that both teams had won! Which meant the next match was going to be Mandeville A vs Mandeville B.


The final match was a very exciting one (it also got quite competitive). After another 12 minutes we all went to sit down to find out the results. Then we realised that Mandeville A team had won the Plate Final and Mandeville B team were runners up.


We all had a great experience at the Leventhorpe netball competition against other local schools. We hope that the Year 5s (soon to be Year 6s) will have this opportunity next year like we have.



Gymnastics Competition by Evie and Jack P

Over this term, Charlie our gymnastics teacher has been teaching us skills to help us improve our gymnastics. We have learnt lots, especially exercises like teddy bear rolls and balancing. We now feel like real gymnasts!


On Friday 11th March, children from Key Stage One were invited to a gymnastics competition in Bishops Stortford. Once we got there we met children from different schools. We felt really excited because we really wanted to win although we were nervous.


Firstly, we had to warm up our bodies and then we had a practice of our floor routine. We then did the real thing in front of the judges. We concentrated very well and this made the routine feel easier.   


Our happiest moment was when we won third place! We felt very proud of ourselves and we couldn’t wait to tell everyone back at school.



Netball Competition by Madison

On the 18th March, some pupils from Year 5 and 6 went to a netball competition at Birchwood.


When we got there we were taken to the netball court. We did some warm ups. Then we got assigned our positions. We got put in court two. Our first game was against Richard Whittington. Unfortunately, we lost 0-3. We had to wait a while for our next game. We got assigned our positions again. Our next game was against High Wych. Once again we lost 0-5.


We were against two other teams. We lost both but we really enjoyed this competition. It was very fun and exciting. We were all glad we went, even though we lost!



Football Tournament by Ian

On Monday 21st March 2016, the Year 6 class of Mandeville School went to a football tournament hosted at Leventhorpe. We started off very well winning 1-0 against Hatfield Heath A. Unfortunately we lost the other 4 games but the team still worked really well together even though we were down on our luck. Unfortunately, we got last place by one goal difference but everybody still did a brilliant job!







Tri Golf Tournament by Ellie S, Isobel and Ben 

On 28th April, we went to Birchwood School to play golf. We went there in our cars at lunchtime. 


When we arrived we set up our area, had a prep-talk and practised our skills. Then it was time for the first station. We had to hit the cones to score points. Each cone was worth a different amount of points. The school with the most points at the end won! Other stations included: Zone Ball, Over the River, Into the Square, and many more. There were 9 stations in all and 3 rest stops. At the end we played Multi-Task in which you could use a chipper or a putter. 


At the end the results were revealed. We found out that we were only beaten by Little Hadham and Windhill 21 A Team, which means we came 3rd out of 12. A great achievement for Mandeville!



Hockey Competition

On Friday 6th May, 10 people from Year 5 went to a Birchwood Hockey Tournament. They were Maisey, Georgia, Madison, Summer, Lily-Ann, Ellie, Flo, Joe, Karim and James.


When we arrived there the first thing we did was practise dribbling and we practised some shooting  in the goals too. Then we played our first game against Little Hadham. We lost but we got one point for scoring and they got two paints for winning. Next we played another school called High Wych. We won 2:1 so in that game we got two points!


After that we had a snack while we watched two other matches. Then we got the results. Sadly, we came last in our group. Then we had our lunch while watching the last matches. High Wych won both cups.


Even though we lost we had a great time representing our school!



Tennis Tournament

Cameron, Hector, Ellie B and Ellie S entered a tennis competition in May. When we arrived we were ready for our first game. Cameron and Hector were first against St. Andrews boys. Next both Ellies played St. Andrews girls. Then we all individually played Windhill 21 one after another. We all sat down to listen to who got through to the semi-finals. Surprisingly we got through! We were really pleased. Our last game was a different St. Andrews team. St. Andrews and Reedings got through but unfortunately we didn’t. We came joint third out of 16 schools, which was a great achievement!







Tag Rugby Competition by Year 4

On Friday 17th June, Year 4 went to a Tag Rugby Competition at Bishop’s Stortford Rugby Club.


We were divided into 3 teams A, B and C. Team A was Jack, Alfie, Tess, Harry, Cameron, Ellie S, Ellie B, Olivia, Max and Hector. Team B was Leo, Nathan, Thea, Charlotte G, Ben, Kyle, Gemma, Olivia Harries, George and Thomas B. The C team was Emily, Poppy, Charlotte Stride, Kate Oakley, Thomas R, Lilia, Lindhan and William.


The A team played in the Cup Competition and the B and C teams played in the Plate Competition.


The C team played High Wych C team first. We lost 6-3; our tries were scored by Lindhan, Lilia and Oakley. Next we played St Joseph’s B and won 4-3! Lindhan scored a whopping hat trick of tries; he was so proud. Lilia scored the other try. The last game was against Northgate B and we lost 4-1. Isobel scored our try. We came 3rd in our group.


The B team’s first game was against St Michael’s B and we drew 3-3. Leo, Ben and George scored our tries. Our second game was against High Wych B and we won 3-2. Our last game was against Summercroft and we drew 4-4. Leo scored 8 tries and he was our top try scorer.


Team A played Little Hadham A, St Michaels A and Summercroft A. Our first game was against Summercroft A and we lost 5-3. Cameron, Harry and Alfie scored the tries. Our next game was against St Michael’s A and we won 4-3. Cameron (2), Alfie and Hector scored the tries. We won the last game against Little Hadham 5-1. Hector (2) and Cameron (3) scored the tries. We finished top of our group because we’d scored the most tries and were in the semi-final.


We played St Josephs in the semi-final. The B and C teams were supporting us and they were clapping, cheering and singing really loudly. It was a close game and we won 3-2. The tries were scored by Cameron, Hector and Harry. We were in the final!


In the final we played Northgate A. It was a really good game but we lost 4-2. Harry and Cameron scored our tries. We finished runners up in the cup competition which was brilliant.


We were really proud of ourselves because everyone tried their hardest and played well, especially the A team.






Rounders Tournament by Ian, Rhys and Ethan

On Monday 11th July, the Year 6 class from Mandeville entered a rounders tournament at Leventhorpe School and came first!


Overall we scored 44 rounders and got 9 points out of a possible 12. We played against Sheering, St. Andrews, Hatfield Heath and Spellbrook. 


They all played well, but we were better, and everyone played brilliantly. What an achievement!





Tri-Golf Competition

On Thursday 20th October 2016, 10 children from Year 4 represented Mandeville at the Tri-Golf competition held at Birchwood School.


"My favourite Tri-Golf game was the target station, because you were focused on a target and not on something different. We were all dressed up in our Mandeville tracksuits representing our school as a Mandeville team. It was as Birchwood Secondary School. All the teams played fairly and we did really well as a team." Kim


"My favourite activity was the driving station because it was challenging and it was also fun. We were all in our Mandeville tracksuits representing our school as a team. It was our first time at a Tri-Golf competition and we did really well." Martha



Basketball Competition

On Thursday 17th November 2016, a team of eight children from Years 5 and 6 represented Mandeville at a basketball competition held at Birchwood School.


"I enjoyed the competition when we had a better chance at winning because we were playing against teams who were at our level. We had to wear Mandeville jackets to show we were Mandeville. First we played High Wych and then we played Richard Whittington as well as lots of other schools. We went as a year 5 and 6 mixed team with 4 boys and 4 girls. It was super fun and very active!" Madison


"My favourite games that we played were the last two because it was really fun and we won both games. The referees were fair to both teams. We went to Birchwood for the competition and the hall was incredibly big! We also saw a PE apprentice called Lewis who helped us practice for our games along with Mr Christy. It was really fun and the best competition I’ve been too." Annie



Hertfordshire Cross Country Race

On Saturday 4th February 2017, some people were selected from the athletics club to represent Mandeville in a cross country race. For the Year 6 boys race, Harvey and Josh went. For the Year 6 girls race, Harriet went. She came 89th out of 134 runners. For the Year 5 boys, Cameron, Hector and Oakley went. Cameron came 81st Hector came 84th and Oakley came 134th out of 158. For the Year 5 girls, Charlotte went she came 83rd out of 136.


Everyone who competed agreed it was extremely muddy. Harvey and Josh even fell over at the start!




“First we played cricket and we had lots of fun. My favourite was batting and fielding and standing still to catch the ball because this was a rule. We wore our tracksuits and we looked like a super team! “ Ella


“First we unpacked our stuff and then we went down to the pitch and played our first game. My favourite part was batting and we felt like a super team in our tracksuits!” Alicia





Sports Hall Athletics

“I enjoyed the speed bounce, which is jumping over a foam hurdle from side to side. We wore our tracksuits and it made us look like a team and I also liked the races. I did hurdles, relay and long distance race which 8 people did.” Madison


“The event I enjoyed the most was the obstacle race because I had to run through the foam steps and do 10 speed bounces then go through a tunnel and hurdles then a straight run back. The event was held in the Birchwood sports hall and it was two hours long.” William



Birchwood Year 6 Netball Competition by Sienna

On 2nd March, two teams of Year 6 went to a netball competition at Birchwood High School. We played eleven games altogether. We went with Miss Braund and Mrs. Collinson.


We practised shooting and passing for fifteen minutes then it was the A Team’s first game. They won 1:0! The B Team won their first match 2:0. Team A got into the semi-finals but lost that match and the A team ended up coming joint third.

We used a different range of tactics to enhance our skills. One warm-up game was: there were two lines of three and four people and there was one person (the defender) in the middle and we had to pass the ball back and forth without the defender catching the ball. If the defender caught the ball the player who threw the ball to the defender would become the defender.


We enjoyed the competition and we would love to be invited again.



Year 6 Leventhorpe Netball Competition by Madison

On the 7th March, Year 6 went to a netball competition at Leventhorpe School. 8 children from Year 6 and Miss Braund went. We played lots of different schools. Our best game was 6:2 to us. During the time we were not playing we practised our passing and marking to advance our skills. We were very excited when we found out that we had got in to the cup finals. This was to decide who would come first and who would come second. It was a long game and we had to have four more extra minutes because it was a draw at the end of normal time. We came second. We are all very proud of ourselves and second is better than last...although it would have been nice to come first! We had so much fun.



Football Competition by Florence

On Tuesday 23rd March, twelve Year 6 students (six boys and six girls) went to a football competition. We walked to Leventhorpe wearing our Mandeville tracksuits. Once we got there we played many local schools. We drew two matches and lost two. Everyone enjoyed being there and played their best. Whether we were cheering our friends on from the sideline or kicking the ball about the pitch, we all had an amazing time.




Athletics Competition by Ben and Hector

On Monday 27th March some children from Years 4, 5 and 6 walked over to Reedings Junior School for an athletics competition against Reedings and High Wych. Year 4 girls and boys ran twice around the circuit separately and Year 5 and 6 boys and girls ran three times round the circuit. They were all thrilling races. In the Year 4 girls race we came 3rd and in the boys race we came 5th, 8th and 10th. In the girls’ Year 5 and 6 race the contenders from Mandeville came 3rd, 6th and 8th. In the boys’ race the participants from Mandeville came 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 13th, 15th, 18th, and 19th. It was a fantastic afternoon. We all enjoyed it. 




Quicksticks Hockey Competition at Birchwood School by Harry P, Thea and Hector

On 30th March, Year 5 went to a Quicksticks competition at Birchwood School. We were split into three groups of 10 (A, B and C).


The A and B teams kicked off first, the A team had a fabulous result (5:0). Hector got three, Alfie got 1 and Cameron got 1. Unfortunately the B team lost 2:1 but George did get a goal. The C team unluckily lost 1:0.


Next we watched the other schools play and had a snack and a drink. Afterwards, the A team were ready for their next game. It was a close match but we lost 2:1. However, Hector did manage to score a goal.Then the B team sadly lost 6:0 in a tough match and the A team played their final match against Summercroft School. The score was 6:4 to them but Hector, and Alfie both scored and Cameron scored two goals.


The B team faced their final game and although it was close, lost 1:0. Finally it was the turn of the C team to compete in their final game and unluckily they lost 3:0.


We then enjoyed our lunch whilst we watched a couple of games, including the final. We walked to the coach and left happily!



Key Stage One Dance Showcase at Birchwood by Ava B, Ava O and Olivia

The showcase was on on 27th April 2017. When we arrived we played a few games to warm up. Then the lady split us into groups of Beauty and the Beast, Jungle Book and The Little Mermaid. Next they taught us the dances and we practised. We had to try, try and try again. Then we sat down quietly and practised in front of the other children. Finally the adults arrived and we showed them our dances. We enjoyed the afternoon. It was tremendous. It was amazing!




Speedstacking Event

Speedstacking Club happens on a Tuesday afternoon. Year 4s are taught by Mrs. Hollingsworth. In March they entered a Virtual Speedstacking Event and came 3rd!

“Once you get the hang of it it’s great and good fun.” Daisy

“I think it’s good for your hand agility." Stanley

“It gets your hand moving.” Sophie

“Speedstacking is very enjoyable and I think everyone should try it!” Charlotte



Tri-Golf Competition by Henry and Jack

On 12th October, Year 4 went to the Tri-golf competition at Birchwood School. A team of Year 4 children got changed into their PE kits and then set off in their parents’ cars. When we arrived the teachers checked we had everything that we needed. Then we walked onto the Birchwood School field and started warming up for the competition. Our favourite activity was the one where you had to chip the ball really high. We enjoyed going to the competition and worked well as a team.




Cross-country Competition by Ben

On 13th November 2017, Mandeville and Reedings had a cross-country competition.


There were 4 races: Years 3 and 4 boys, Years 3 and 4 girls, Years 5 and 6 boys and Years 5 and 6 girls. In our school there were 12 runners. We had a winner in the Year 3 and 4 boys race and that was Henry.


It was so much fun and we all enjoyed it. Thank you to Mrs Barrett, John Stow and Mrs Walters for organising it for the athletics clubs.



Basketball Tournament by Edgar and William

On 17th November, eight people in Year 5 went to basketball tournament. They went to Birchwood High School. When we got into the hall we met our leaders and they started a warm-up with us where we had to get round our leaders and shoot. After the warm up we had our first match. Unfortunately, we lost but then we won our next three matches. At the end we won four out of six but sadly we didn’t get to the finals.



Tag Rugby Tournament by Alfie and Tess

On 23rd November, some of Year 6 went to a tag rugby tournament. It was at Leventhorpe. Mandeville played against High Wych, Spellbrook and St Andrews. Our managers were Mrs Barrett and Mrs Lily. We scored lots of tries. In our first game we lost 5-3. In our second game we lost 7-1. In our last game we lost 3-2. Although we lost all of the matches we had lots of fun!



Years 5 & 6 Football Competition by Jack and Harry

On 18th January, Years 5 & 6 went to a 5-aside football competition at Leventhorpe. There were 4 Year 5s and 4 Year 6s. Firstly we picked our team captain and everyone voted for Harry. We started walking to Leventhorpe with Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Hollingsworth at 2.00pm and got there at 2.10pm.


Our first match was against St. Andrews and unfortunately we lost 7:0. The next game was against Sheering and we put out our strongest and best team hoping for a win. We started the game with Harry, Joel, Thomas B, Jack and Leo. Harry scored first, then Joel scored and then Harry scored again. The final score was 3:1 to Mandeville. Next we played Reedings, our biggest rivals! We started with our strongest team again and we won 1:0. Harry scored again and we were all very, very happy. Next we played Spellbrook and Harry scored one goal in the last seconds of the game so we won 1-0. Finally, the last game was against High Wych. For our final match we combined our first team and our second team together to make a strong team. Harry started in goal with James and George in defence and Joel in the mid field with Stanley up front. We drew that game 0-0 and Harry got injured.


Then it was time for the results and we were very exited because maybe we could beat Reedings. They told us the top 3 teams. 3rd was High Wych, 2nd was Mandeville and 1st was St. Andrews.


We were proud to represent our school.



Athletics Competition by Ellie B and Thea

On 25th January, an athletics competition took place. Some of the Year 6 and Year 5 children went to Birchwood to compete for 1st place. There were other schools there that were competing as well. The competition ran over two days.


In Year 6, Ellie B, Lilia, Thea, Emily, Jack, Hector, Harry and George went and from Year 5, Dylan, Joel, James M, Sophie, and William all went to the competition.


The competition included hurdles, obstacle races, relays and lots of fun. We started doing field events, which were chest push, speed bounce, standing long jump and javelin. After the field events we did the obstacle course. The obstacle course included crawling under a tunnel, speed bounce and jumping over hurdles. We took it in turn to do each event. All boys went first and once they had finished their event the girls did their event. The relays took place after the obstacle course. The boys ran the first relay, which was one lap each. After the three relays of boys it was finally the girls turn to do the relay.


At the end of all the field events and relays we all came together to find out the results. We were all excited to hear the scores. We didn’t come first but we came 9th out of 19 schools. We all enjoyed the competition and had fun. We tried our best and did the best we could. Along the way we supported each other and cheered everyone on.



Mini Tennis Competition by Betty and Harry

On Thursday 17th May a group of four represented Mandeville and went to the Mini Tennis Red Competition at Bishops Stortford Lawn Tennis Club. Mandeville played against Little Hadham, St Andrews, Reedings and Northgate. 


In the first round we came third, in the second round we won every game and out of eight schools we came third. Little Hadham School won the competition. 


Our team was very successful - Maisie won every game she played and everybody on the team wanted to carry on playing tennis. Unfortunately, the competition finished so we had to stop. The whole team really enjoyed it, it was a great day!



Speedstacking - Virtual Competition

"I love Speed-stacking!" - Brody

"You learn lots of things in little time, which is loads of fun" - Betty

"It's lots of fun if you like playing around with cups! You get to show off your speed and race against other people." - Jess

"It's the best club ever!" - Jack P

"It's usually best when you are doing the 3-6-3 or the full cycle to stand up" - Alicia

"You can learn everything and if the teacher asks you a question about speed-stacking you can answer it" - Aida

"It's fun for everyone" - Evie

"I'm surprised at how much you can learn in so little time" - Zienna

"It's absolutely amazing!" - Robyn

"Speed-stacking is good fun and very good for passing the time" - Henry B



Kwik Cricket Competition Report by Thomas R and Charlotte G

On 24th May we went to a kwik cricket tournament. It was hosted at the Sawbridgeworth Cricket Club. In the first game, Little Hadham played Spellbrook. We sat on the bench and watched for if they were doing anything wrong that we could learn from. We practiced throwing and catching the ball with each other. We were the second team to play in our pool. We played Little Hadham and we won! In Kwik Cricket, you start on 200 runs and play from that. If you can hit the ball over the boundary without it touching the ground, you will score 6 runs and if it touches the ground before it goes over the boundary, you will score 4 runs. The ball does not have to go over the boundary for it to get any runs. If you hit the ball without smashing it over the boundary mark, you will score 1 run by running from each end of the wicket. You score 1 run each time you swap ends.


We didn’t get into the semi-finals so we stayed at the cricket club for the rest of the afternoon playing some friendly matches against other schools who also hadn’t qualified for the semi-finals.



Kwik Cricket Competition Report by Lilia and Ellie S

On Thursday 14th June, ten girls from Year 6 went to a Kwik Cricket Competition at Sawbridgeworth Cricket Club. We arrived at 9:30am to sign in and then we practised on the green. We watched Spellbrook play Albury, which ended in Spellbrook winning. We then played Albury. It was our first match so we were quite nervous. We were fielding first and we managed to get them out many times, deducting points from their overall score. Then, when we were batting in our pairs, we managed lots of runs. Luckily, we secured our first win and Aubury left the competition after their first two matches. After that, we played Spellbrook. We had to bat first as we lost the coin toss; sadly we lost by a margin of a few points. Then, we ate our lunch before leaving back to school. As a result we came 5th. It was an adventurous morning and we would love to do it again.









Tag Rugby Festival by Ava and Ted

On 7th June, we went to a Tag Rugby Festival. First we had our lunch to give us some energy. After we’d eaten our lunch we split into three groups. We learned the rules of tag rugby, including what was fair and not fair. We felt nervous and excited at the same time. We were against older people so we could learn from them, which was fun and exciting. We would love to do something like it again in the future.




Football Competition by Joshua and Aidan

On 19th June we went to Birchwood High School for a football competition. We felt very proud to be there as it was a real pleasure. We liked it a lot and would definitely like to do something like it again. We think it was a great experience to interact with new people. It was nice because we played football with girls that didn't really play football that much at school. It was fun so we would like to thank our friends and coach for making it an awesome time. We loved it! It was incredibly fun. It was also very fair as everybody got a turn on pitch. Everyone loved it for another reason too, and that reason is that we all played in our favourite positions. As we have said before, it was great!




Birchwood Games by Ava, Archie, Billy and Leah

On Friday 28 September, Year 3 excitedly boarded the coach to travel to the Birchwood Games.  When we arrived at Birchwood High School, Bishops Stortford, we were surprised to see so many children from other schools that had come to take part! 


After a very noisy introduction in the hall, we all went off in our groups to do three activities. Group one from our class took part in rock-it-ball, netball and hip-hop.  Group two from our class enjoyed hockey, cheerleading and handball. 


Leah and Billy reported that it had been "really exciting and sporty,” and “like a proper sports academy.”  Leah learned how to play rock-it-ball for the first time and Billy found the best part was scoring goals in netball. Archie and Ava recalled that “it felt like it only lasted ten minutes!” and “it was really exciting because all the sports were new.” Archie enjoyed the handball as he enjoyed using hands more than feet for a sport. Ava had never played hockey before so was very pleased to learn the correct way to control a hockey stick. The lady who taught us the hockey played for England! 


At the end of the morning we all returned to the hall where we were entertained by performances from the cheerleading and hip-hop groups. They were applauded loudly! 


We all had a fabulous time and would love to do it all again!









Cross Country Race by Adam, Year 4

On Friday 9th November, selected Year 4,5 and 6 children went to Jobbers Wood for the Bishops Stortford High School Primary Cross Country Race. We got on a coach to get to Jobbers Wood. When we got there it started to rain. First it was the Year 4 girls race. Next it was the Year 4 boys race. Before the Year 4 boys race, I felt very nervous. I came 7th. Next time I think I should start a bit slower. After that it was the Year 5 girls, then the Year 5 boys. By now it was sunny. Finally the year 6's raced. I would like to do it again in the future.



Cross Country Race by Annabel, Year 4

On Friday 9th November 2018, Year 4,5 and 6 went to Jobbers Wood in Bishops Stortford to a cross country festival race. We got onto a coach. It was luxurious! When we got there it was very busy. I was really nervous because Year 4 girls were racing first. It was nearly my turn to race. The whistle was blown. I ran and ran and ran and ran. Near the end I stopped because I didn't think I could breathe, but I could, so then I started running again. I came 3rd! I was so proud. Finally we got back on the coach. I learned to start off slow and sprint at the end. I had so much fun!











Quicksticks by Mary-Jane and Betty, Year 5

On the 25th October, the whole of Year 5 went to a quicksticks competition. We were divided into 3 teams with each playing in a different pool. On the pitch first was the Yellow team who were against our top competition and did an amazing job. Each team was unstoppable and whizzed around the pitch. Our last game before the results was a thriller it was 1-1 and then victory happened; Mandeville scored and the whistle blew. Mandeville won 2-1!  


All the schools and teams got called in and the results were announced. It was intense! Mandeville came in 3rd place in each pool. We were overjoyed. Congratulations to Year 5. What a sporty morning!









Tag Rugby by Kim and Edgar, Year 6

On 6th December, Year 6 took part in a tag rugby competition which was held by Leventhorpe Secondary School. Six other schools took part in the tag rugby competition and ten children took part from our school. When we arrived we had to do a few warm up activities to make sure we were ready. Then we had to wait out a match until our first game. Luckily, we won our first match which gave us a massive boost. It was great fun and we would love to do it again in the future.



Cross Country Competition by Eliza and Sophie

On Thursday 18th October, pupils from Year 4, 5 and 6 went to Leventhorpe School to do cross country running. We had to walk to Leventhorpe and after we had got there, a kind tour guide showed us where to put our bags. We had to put our bags in a big square like the other schools. After we put our bags away, our helpers asked if we would like to play a game, so we said "yes!".


Our first game was Bulldog and the best part about to was that the two helpers joined in with us so it was a bit trickier and better. After we played Bulldog, we played Sticky Toffee, which was very fun as well. Sadly, after played the games we had to go back to our place where we had put our bags.


We finally got to the point where we got to race, first Year 4 went and we were off to a good start because a person from our school came in 2nd place. Next, Year 5 went. They all finished in an excellent spot! Finally, it was Year 6's race. We all did really well in our races! 


In total, we came 4th place out of nine schools!


We all enjoyed the cross country competition and we would love to do it again!











Key Stage 1 Gymnastics Competition

"Some of us went to a gymnastics competition. I learned to do a teddy bear roll. I felt very nervous. It was fun doing the warm up. I would like to do more in the future. The people that went were Milo, Toby, Tom, Ayda, Dylan and me."

by Isabel - Year 2


"We went to a gymnastics competition on the 23rd January and it was at Stortford Gymnastics. I learned how to do a forward roll. I felt really good. I had fun doing the forward roll and I would like to do it again."

by Tom - Year 2









Sports Hall Athletics Competition by Jemima and Elliott

When we arrived we had 10 minutes to do a warm up and get ready for the first events. The first events were the field events. The boys went first and the girls went second. There were five events in the first half e.g. Standing Long Jump, Javelin and Chest Push. We did well in the field events. At 2.30pm the field equipment was packed away and the track equipment was set out. There were 3 individual types of relay: obstacle, hurdle and lap relay. The were 3 heats (3 groups). The boys went first and girls went second. There were four students per team and, at 3.40pm, the mixed relays began. There was a mixed 1x4 (2 boys and 2 girls) race and a mixed 1x8 (4 boys and 4 girls) race. At 3.50pm the scores were added up and we had 10 minutes to catch our breath and have a drink before the winner was announced. The winner of the day was announced at 4.00pm and we came 7th out of 9. Overall, we felt that the trip to the Birchwood Sports Hall Athletics Competition was a very successful and fun competition to be part of.



Gymnastics Competition by Honey, Year 4

On 30th January 2019, selected children from my class went to a gymnastics competition. We did a routine and a trick on the vault. I learned to do a bunny hop in the air. The whole time I had butterflies in my tummy. I was excited for the vault!


Gymnastics Competition by Raif, Year 4

On 30th January, Year 4 participated in the Key Stage 2 gymnastics competition. It was great fun and nerve-wracking because you had to hold your poses for three counts exactly or the routine would be ruined! My favourite thing was jumping off the springboard onto the vault. I would really like to do it again because it was exciting! I learned to always point my toes and to slow the routine down to make it clearer for the judges.










Rapid Fire Cricket by Greta and Flynn, Year 4

We went to HECC and competed against lots of other schools playing rapid fire cricket. There were batters and fielders, and we felt very excited to play. We didn't mind when we didn't win, but we were happy for the people who did. We enjoyed being fielders because we got to run around more than when we were batting. We would love to do it again because the competition was full of excitement and we got to see the other schools play too.





Football Competition by Harry and Evie, Year 5

On Friday 8th February 2019, ten members of Year 5 went to Leventhorpe, for a football competition. The people who went were Alicia, Evie, Henry , Zain, Harry, Aida , Ethan, Brody , Teo and Ella. Our goal-keepers were Harry and Teo. When we got there we had a warm up where we got in a circle with somebody in the middle and that person had to try to kick the ball out of the circle. We had two injuries but we kept on going and worked hard as a team. 



Netball Competition by Ruby and William, Year 6

On 8th March at Birchwood High School, Mandeville entered a thrilling competition of netball. We went against a lot of schools and the first school was Fernaux Pelham. We won 2-1 and William scored both goals! We went against Summercroft and we won 1-0 and then we had a little break. Luckily we made it to the semi-finals against Manor Fields, who beat us and won the entire competition. We really enjoyed this exciting event! We've learned that when it comes to sport, it's all about determination, strength and team work!














Netball Competition by James B and Neala, Year 6

On Friday 29th March 2019, some of the Year 6's went to Leventhorpe Primary School Netball Competition. The people who went were James B, James M, Dylan, Daisy, Eliza, Jasmine, Jemima, Martha, Ruby and Neala. Mandeville were in Pool A. We played against Manor Fields and lost, High Wych and lost, Leventhorpe and lost, Sheering and lost, and Spellbrook and WON!!!! Mandeville finished in 7th place. 

Neala: I enjoyed the day because although we came in 7th place, I still think we tried our hardest. Thanks to Mandeville for this amazing opportunity.

James B: I enjoyed the day because although we came 7th, I had a fantastic time and everybody cheered us on.











Tennis Competition by Olivia, Year 4M

On Tuesday 16th May, Ilyaas, Jack, Annabel and I went to Bishops Stortford Tennis Club to play tennis. First we sat down on the grass and had lunch. Then we started to practise (practising was my favourite part). I felt so excited before every game. The most fun part was when we were actually playing somebody else. I would definitely like to do something like that again.













Tag Rugby Festival by Bella and George S, Year 3


On Thursday 6th June 2019, Year 3 went to a Tag Rugby Festival. There were lots of other different schools competing at Bishop’s Stortford Rugby Football Club.


First we did a warm up for five minutes then we went into our matches. We all played 5 matches in teams of 9 or 10. It was FUN! We learned that if you make a knock on the other team gets the ball and that if a player from the other team takes your tag, you have to pass the ball.


The teams that we both played on won 3 out of 6 matches! After all the matches were finished, we went to the awards ceremony.


Finally, we went back to school on a big green coach. Year 3 all had an amazing day!"




Rounders Tournament by Rex and Daisy, Year 6

On Thursday 27th June, the school’s team took part in a rounders tournament, located at Leventhorpe secondary school. There were five schools that took part: Mandeville, Reedings, Spellbrook, Sheering and Manor Fields. We were accompanied by Mrs Brett and Mrs Bishop. When we got there, Mr Palmer told us where to put our bags and then we walked over to a pitch to do some practice. A short while after, we played our first match, against Reedings, and we lost. Our second match was against Manor Fields, which we also lost, and then we played against Spellbrook and we won!. After that, we had a match off. Then we played Sheering and we won! We came 3rd out of all five schools. At the end of the day we all went home. It was great!!!
