Welcome to the PTA!
All parents/carers with children at the school are automatically members of the Friends of Mandeville PTA. This is a very active parent/carer led organisation which supports the school by organising fund-raising events that are enjoyed by the whole school community. The school is grateful to them, and to the parents/carers who attend the events, support their work and thus help to provide wonderful events throughout the year and raise valuable funds for the school.
Recent Successes
Future Aims
The Friends of Mandeville PTA are currently working hard to raise funds to support curriculum enrichment - visits and visitors. They are also hoping to continue to contribute towards more mobile technology devices!
Get Involved
We would like more parents/carers to get involved. There is lots to do, and lots of good reasons why you would want to do it. If you would like to be more involved, please contact the school office or email mandevillepta@hotmail.co.uk.