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What is the intent of Computing at Mandeville Primary School?

At Mandeville, we believe that Computing and the use of ICT is central to the education of all children. Through teaching Computing, we equip all our children to participate safely in the rapidly changing world, where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology and provide them with essential knowledge, vocabulary and skills that will enable them to participate responsibly and effectively in the digital world. We provide a wealth of learning opportunities, explicitly within our Computing curriculum and also across other curriculum subjects.


How is Computing organised at Mandeville Primary School?

The progression document follows the curriculum set out within the 'Teach Computing' curriculum that we have adopted and adapted. This scheme was chosen as it has been created by subject experts and based on the latest pedagogical research. It follows the main curriculum strands, computer science, information technology and digital literacy and provides the children with clear progression pathways through each strand.


There are two units covered in the autumn and summer term, with one in the shorter spring term. This content provides an ambitious and cohesive curriculum that covers the statutory requirements for content. It allows children to explore the themes of the National Curriculum giving them opportunities for skills acquisition and development of their thinking skills. The documents encourage children to develop and use the correct vocabulary. With themes being revisited each year the language, thinking, understanding and skills are embedded securely with a deepening understanding year on year. The units are organized so that similar themes are studied by year groups in the same term, allowing for staff planning and sharing of resources. Each unit offers access to high quality teaching and learning resources, allowing all staff to plan and teach with confidence.
