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Kim Perez

Category of Governor: Co-opted


Term of Office: 06/02/2023-05/02/2027


Positions of Responsibility: Member of Curriculum and Standards Committee and Curriculum Subject Link Governor for English and PSHE.


In my role as a Governor of the school, I can confirm that I have no business interests connected to the school and that I work as a consultant Hertfordshire Improvement Partner across several Hertfordshire schools for Herts for Learning Education. I do not have any relationship with any other governor or member of staff of the school.


I have worked in education since completing my training in 1981. I was Deputy Headteacher at Mandeville from 2005 until January 2012, when I left to take up the headship of another primary school in Hertfordshire. I retired from headship in August 2022, following more than ten successful years. I currently work as an educational consultant for Herts for Learning Education and support nine primary schools across Hertfordshire. I am passionate about education meeting the needs of all children and allowing them to open the door of opportunity.


Mandeville holds a special place in my heart as not only did I work at the school for many years, but my own children attended it. 


My experience within education will be able to support the excellent work that Mandeville does and assist as it continues to constantly evaluate that work and further develop.
